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Workplace Pensions 

Meeting your legal responsibilities as an employer. 
Workplace Pensions have just undergone a major overhaul and it is now the law that you must provide a Qualifying Workplace Pension Scheme (QWPS) for all eligible staff members even if you only employ one person.  
As part of the auto-enrolment, you are now legally required to: 
Make pension contributions on your workers’ behalf 
Register your QWPS with the Pensions Regulator 
Communicate to workers specific information about the changes and how these will affect them. 
For more information about the Workplace Pension we've added the following links to the Government website: 
Find out if you are following all of the correct steps to set up and run the Workplace Pension Scheme: Pension Duties checker  
General information about Workplace Pensions from Gov.uk  
Find out about available pension accounts through the Government support pension account with NEST  
We're here to help  
Evans & Co Accountants offer the full range of Work Place Pension services to our clients. From completing all legal requirements and declarations with the Pension Regulators to setting up a pension account to running all monthly contributions. 
Our Work Place Pension services can only be carried out as an add on service to PAYE through Evans & Co Accountants. 
To enquire about our Workplace Pension Services please call us on 01271 343477