Evans & Co Accountants and Tax Consultants Ltd 
Over 25 years tax experience saving our clients money 
Evans & Co helping new businesses say "Thank Evans for that"  
T 01271 343477 

Tax Advice 

Evans & Co Accountants offer FREE standard business and tax planning advice to all clients, all year round. With our high level of specialist tax and accountancy knowledge we will be able to ensure that you receive the correct information tailor made to you and your business - which could save you money! 
Here are some areas in which you could benefit from by receiving the right tax advice and planning: 
VAT: Keeping below the VAT registration limit, when you can deregister, VAT Flat Rate Schemes, Volunteering for VAT 
Capital Gains planning: what expenses you can off-set towards Capital Gains Tax, Capital Gains Tax Free allowances. 
Profit planning: Ways to increase your profit by improving margins. 
Tax issues when buying and selling a business. 
Advice on reducing the amount of corporation and self assessment tax. 
One of the key roles of a good accountant is an accountant who understands you and your business and offers you one to one tailored advice to help your business succeed. 
Evans & Co Accountants are based in both North Devon and Wales, but offer accountancy and tax services to clients all around the World! 
We have experience with non residence and UK residence based abroad and related tax issues. This may involve double taxation and days recorded in the UK for Self Assessment Tax Returns. 
Evans & Co Accountants currently have no Clients under any investigations. 
Here are links to some useful Tax Information: 
If you have any questions or enquiries please don't hesitate to call us. 
New & Recurring Appointments 
Whether you are a potentially new or an existing client we understand the importance of getting professional advice at the appropriate time. 
Evans & Co Accountants are happy to provide a free non-obligatory meeting to both new and existing clients. Your custom is important to us and therefore we can provide meetings by telephone, Zoom, or in person at our office, subject to availability. The purpose of such a meeting is to discuss your required instruction and to ascertain if Evans & Co can be of assistance to you. Our firm generally operates on a fee basis as opposed to an hourly rate, because from our experience our clients prefer to know the cost of professional services beforehand. It is therefore imperative that we understand the whole situation and what your instructions will potentially involve. 
During our meetings we will assess your requirements and its ramifications and provide you with an outline of our services to address how we may be of assistance to you. Our aim is to provide you with a cost effective and professional service that is individually tailor made to your requirements. Within the restraints of our professional obligations Evans & Co will hold in confidence any information that is discussed during the meeting. Throughout the meeting it may be necessary to explore accounting or tax procedures that are relevant to your situation. Unless you have engaged Evans & Co Accountants & Tax Consultants Ltd for an official consultation then any part of a fact find procedure must not be construed as “tax or accountancy advice.” Evans & Co Accountants will not warrant any liability if action is acted on following discussions from a free of charge meeting.  
Accountancy and Taxation legislation can change on a regular basis and therefore it is important to understand professional advice will require a consultation and possibly ongoing consultancy considering the effectiveness as tax legislation changes. Nonetheless, it is our policy to provide you with the current tax rules and regulations as well as any known changes available at the time. In line with this policy, we aim to ensure that our fees represent value for money and are commercially competitive. 
Before we can provide professional advice, we would require signed terms of business, and two forms of ID, to complete our client on boarding and anti-money laundering processes. 
Professional advice can be provided, and an hourly charge of our fees is sometimes appropriate when it is not possible to ascertain the amount of time a task may take to be resolved. For example, in dealing with a HMRC tax inquiry or attending specific meetings. A tariff of our hourly rates is available on request.